Visual Arts Evaluation Report
On 28th May 2019 our Department of Education and Skills Inspector, Ms Catherine King undertook a Visual Arts Curriculum Evaluation.
Curriculum Evaluations report on the quality of teaching and learning in specific subjects of the Primary School Curriculum (1999). They affirm good practice and make recommendations, where appropriate, to aid the further development of the subject in the school.
Learner outcomes in Visual Arts are very good and it is evident that pupils enjoy and take pride in their work; pupils’ ability to independently use the language of the Visual Arts would be enriched through the inclusion of this vocabulary in display areas.
The quality of pupils’ learning experiences is very good; very high levels of pupil interest, engagement and motivation were evident during the evaluation.
Teaching in the Visual Arts is very good; teachers prepare purposefully for lessons with highly commendable emphasis on the artistic process and on pupils’ skill and conceptual development.
The overall quality of assessment is good with a few examples of very good practice; peer and self-assessment strategies should develop further to optimise the impact on pupils’ learning.
The quality of the school plan is good and the school is engaging very positively with the School Self-Evaluation (SSE) process.
Assessment approaches in the Visual Arts should be extended to include a whole-school approach to the maintenance of pupil portfolios and a more structured approach to peer assessment.
Art displays throughout the school should include a greater focus on the language of the Visual Arts.
Please click on the link below for the full report.