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School Life

Room 1b.jpg


Ordinarily, our school starts at 8:35am. It is imperative children are not left unsupervised on the premises before 8.35am. Please be on time as arriving late can be distressing for your child and disruptive to the class that will have begun their day.

The side gates of the school are closed at 8:55am and girls arriving after that must come in through reception and be signed in. Girls who are coming to school after 8:55am are recorded as late.

It is important that children are collected promptly at home-time as they can become anxious if they are left waiting.

Please make sure that the school has been given up to date, appropriate emergency contact phone numbers. These can be updated through the Aladdin App.

If your daughter is absent from school you will receive a notification from the school via the Aladdin App. Please enter the reason for the absence via the App.

If your daughter is going to be late or collected early from school, parents and guardians are asked to inform the school using the Attendance feature on the Aladdin App.


A written note sent by email to must be provided if there is any change to the collection arrangements for your child, for example if your child is going home for a playdate with another family.


There are two breaks and the girls go to the yard for these breaks, weather permitting. Lunch is eaten in the classroom either before or after each of these breaks.

The school has a Healthy Lunch Policy. Sweets, chocolate bars, crisps or similar snacks and fizzy drinks are not allowed at school. Products including chocolate spreads should not be sent into school as we have a number of children with allergies to nuts.


School layout

The school is on two stories. 

Pupils leaving the classroom for any reason will be sent in pairs for safety.



The yard is supervised at all times.

Requests to remain indoors at yard time should be made only in exceptional circumstances. Such requests must always be in the form of an email to

On days of inclement weather, girls will be supervised in their classrooms, where the teacher will allocate activities. 

What to Wear

The school uniform can be purchased in Lynch's of Philipsburg Avenue or from Penders, Clontarf.

As we are an Active School it is preferable that the girls wear shorts or their tracksuit to school.

The school tracksuit and trainers must be worn for P.E. The class teacher will inform you about P.E days.

Please label all your child's belongings clearly so tracksuit tops are easily identifiable. 

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